Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ColdFusion 8 Tips - Supported Image Formats

The following article is a compilation of Ben Forta's blog entries from his ColdFusion 8 usergroup tour.
ColdFusion 8-Supported Image Formats
Lots of you have been asking about ColdFusion 8's planned <CFIMAGE> tag, wanting to know what image formats will be supported (many of you are asking about GIF and PNG specifically). As long as you keep in mind that ColdFusion 8 is a work-in-progress and that features and specs can change...
ColdFusion 8 has two new functions: GetReadableImageFormats() returns a list of the supported readable image formats, and GetWriteableImageFormats() returns a list of supported writable formats. The following code snippet shows all supported formats:
<cfset r=GetReadableImageFormats()>
<cfset w=GetWriteableImageFormats()>

Readable (#ListLen(r)#): #r#<br>
Writeable (#ListLen(w)#): #w#<br>
Running this code (in Beta 2, remember, this can/may still change) displays the following:
And, yes, GIF and PNG are both supported (both read and write).
Getting Started with the ColdFusion Debugger
After a seven-year hiatus, ColdFusion once again has an interactive debugger, and this time it's built on top of Eclipse (and uses the same debugging interface as Flex Builder and other Eclipse plug-ins). If you are interested in taking the debugger for a spin, here's what you need to know to get started:


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