what can you do if you have a webservices from asp that display info in a xlm text? how do you get the data from the file?
<cfset ws = createObject("webservice","") />
<cfset result = ws.view_interim("No","JGT4") />
<cfset dataset = result >
<cfset result = structNew() />
<cfset aDataset = dataset.get_any() />
<cfset xSchema = xmlParse(aDataset[1]) />
<!---please understand what is the reason to do this--->
<cfset xTables = xSchema["xs:schema"] ["xs:element"]["xs:complexType"]["xs:choice"] />
<cfset xData = xmlParse(aDataset[2]) />
<!---please understand what the reason to do this--->
<cfset xRows = xData["diffgr:diffgram"] ["DocumentElement"] />
<cfset tableName = "" />
<cfset thisRow = "" />
<cfset i = "" />
<cfset j = "" />
<cfset jLoop = 0>
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(xTables.xmlChildren)#" index="i">
<cfset tableName = xTables.xmlChildren[i].xmlAttributes.name />
<cfset xColumns = xTables.xmlChildren[i].xmlChildren[1].xmlChildren[1].xmlChildren/>
<cfset result[tableName] = queryNew("") />
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(xColumns)#" index="j">
<!---<cfset queryAddColumn(result[tableName], xColumns[j].xmlAttributes.name, arrayNew(1)) /> --->
<CFSET FIELD_NAME[j] = TRIM(#xColumns[j].xmlAttributes.name# )>
<cfset jLoop = #jLoop# + 1>
<!--- Populate Queries --->
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(xRows.xmlChildren)#" index="i">
<cfset thisRow = xRows.xmlChildren[i] />
<cfset thisRowText = xRows.xmlChildren[i].xmlText />
<cfset tableName = thisRow.xmlName />
<!--- <cfset queryAddRow(result[tableName], 1) /> --->
tableName : #tableName# - thisRowText : #thisRowText# -
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(thisRow.xmlChildren)#" index="j">
<!---<cfset querySetCell(result[tableName], thisRow.xmlChildren[j].xmlName, thisRow .xmlChildren[j].xmlText, result[tableName].recordCount) /> --->
<!---j : #j# - #thisRow.xmlChildren[j].xmlText#/ --->
<CFSET FIELD_VALUE[j] = TRIM(#thisRow.xmlChildren[j].xmlText#) >
<br />
<cfloop from="1" to="#jLoop#" index="i">
#i#. #FIELD_NAME[i]# : #FIELD_VALUE[i]# <br />
<cfset ws = createObject("webservice","") />
<cfset result = ws.view_interim("No","JGT4") />
<cfset dataset = result >
<cfset result = structNew() />
<cfset aDataset = dataset.get_any() />
<cfset xSchema = xmlParse(aDataset[1]) />
<!---please understand what is the reason to do this--->
<cfset xTables = xSchema["xs:schema"] ["xs:element"]["xs:complexType"]["xs:choice"] />
<cfset xData = xmlParse(aDataset[2]) />
<!---please understand what the reason to do this--->
<cfset xRows = xData["diffgr:diffgram"] ["DocumentElement"] />
<cfset tableName = "" />
<cfset thisRow = "" />
<cfset i = "" />
<cfset j = "" />
<cfset jLoop = 0>
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(xTables.xmlChildren)#" index="i">
<cfset tableName = xTables.xmlChildren[i].xmlAttributes.name />
<cfset xColumns = xTables.xmlChildren[i].xmlChildren[1].xmlChildren[1].xmlChildren/>
<cfset result[tableName] = queryNew("") />
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(xColumns)#" index="j">
<!---<cfset queryAddColumn(result[tableName], xColumns[j].xmlAttributes.name, arrayNew(1)) /> --->
<CFSET FIELD_NAME[j] = TRIM(#xColumns[j].xmlAttributes.name# )>
<cfset jLoop = #jLoop# + 1>
<!--- Populate Queries --->
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(xRows.xmlChildren)#" index="i">
<cfset thisRow = xRows.xmlChildren[i] />
<cfset thisRowText = xRows.xmlChildren[i].xmlText />
<cfset tableName = thisRow.xmlName />
<!--- <cfset queryAddRow(result[tableName], 1) /> --->
tableName : #tableName# - thisRowText : #thisRowText# -
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(thisRow.xmlChildren)#" index="j">
<!---<cfset querySetCell(result[tableName], thisRow.xmlChildren[j].xmlName, thisRow .xmlChildren[j].xmlText, result[tableName].recordCount) /> --->
<!---j : #j# - #thisRow.xmlChildren[j].xmlText#/ --->
<CFSET FIELD_VALUE[j] = TRIM(#thisRow.xmlChildren[j].xmlText#) >
<br />
<cfloop from="1" to="#jLoop#" index="i">
#i#. #FIELD_NAME[i]# : #FIELD_VALUE[i]# <br />